Friday, January 2, 2015

Slack and Empathy

I have always had bittersweet feelings about the start of January.  Loving Christmas and New Years, and the family and friend gatherings that it brings, January has sometimes caused me to go into a slight post-holiday depression.  On the other hand I love the new opportunities and clean slate that January brings (oh, and my birthday is in January, so that helps).

Typically, January 2nd has meant a return to school.  I have memories of the chilly school building, and my quiet classroom (that sometimes still had the Christmas tree up when I returned... don't judge) as we prepared for the excited kiddos to come back after a week and a half, or two, at home.  They always looked older and taller when they came back after break.

Happy New Year... we are only tolerating getting our picture taken.

The start of 2015 has been different in many ways.  Being a full time student, I have the benefit of having a few more weeks off from class.  We have been walking outside a lot since we returned home.  In addition to our two pups, we are watching three more while their parents are out of town for the holidays.  I have really enjoyed the additional time to take in the sunshine and reflect on the year ahead.

I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore.  A resolution has a starting and an end point, and the ability to "fall off the wagon" when you lose focus.  Instead I commit to live the best I can each and every day.  If I lose focus, or get distracted I plan on forgiving myself and moving onward and upward.

In 2015 am going to try to withhold judgment about those I know, as well as those I don't.  The easy path when reading an article, blog, or listening to someone rant is to judge them for their lack of enlightenment, cruelty, or idiocy.  The more challenging path is always empathy; yet we gain so much when we put ourselves in another person's shoes and try to see the world from their perspective.  Everyone has motivations and reasons behind their opinions and actions.  Let's begin a habit of assuming goodness and pure intentions until we are proven wrong.  Life is so incredibly hard in so many ways, for everyone.  Let's cut one another some slack this January and throughout the year.

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