2015 was not the best year for me and Steve. Since this post is about moving forward, we can leave it at that.
So for 2016, our resolutions, our wishes, our hopes, and dreams are...
1. Work passionately on our vocations through our jobs (business) and our schooling
2. Make time for worship, allowing for reflection, lament, and gratitude
3. Make our health a priority in balanced, sustainable, and meaningful ways
4. Focus less on possessions and more on experiences with family and friends
(this means getting rid of stuff and buying less stuff)
I know all the statistics about people very rarely "keeping" their resolutions, but we were intentional in creating resolutions that we can work on all year, and if we "fall off the wagon" we can get right back on. They are all things that will be goals for the rest of our lives (we believe), so why not start now? They won't cease to be important to us at the end of 2016.
What are your hopes and dreams for the New Year?